The origins of our landscapes

The same questions always come to mind when looking at outstanding scenery: “What was the landscape like before?” “How can we find out about it?” “What are the underlying causes of these transformations?”

PALEOrama catalogues the answers to these questions in order to separate the effects of climate change from the impact of human activities (anthropisation). This tool provides access to the scientific results of research into the archaeology of the environment (the palaeoenvironment) since the first human communities settled here (in the Palaeolithic Period) in the Alpes de Haute-Provence (France) and the Province of Cuneo (Italy).

The information acquired from these studies (e.g. on soil or plant cover) is first summarised in the summary inserts and then developed in the theme-based trails aimed at the general public. They are also explained in greater detail for specialists by clicking on the ‘see more’ tab.

The scientific valorisation of these discoveries has the advantage of illustrating both the local ecological factors (climate, topography, altitude. etc.) and the consequences for the landscape of exploitation of the area's resources by the human communities that preceded us. The aim of using this insight into knowledge about ancient environments is to give as many people as possible a real understanding of the role played by climate and human activity in transforming environments.

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